Spiritual attachment with Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.)

by almuntazar
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Shaikh Saduq (a.r.), in his book “Kamaaluddin” (vol. 2, chp. 43), has narrated the meeting of Ibrahim ibn Mahziyar with Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.). The agnomen of Ibrahim ibn Mahziyar was “Abu Ishaq” and hence, Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.) has addressed him as “Abu Ishaq”. In this meeting, there is a conversation between Abu Ishaq and Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.) on several occasions. In this article, we do not intend to narrate the entire incident but present a specific part of the conversation wherein Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.) says to Abu Ishaq:

“O Abu Ishaq! My father said to me: O my son! Know that the hearts of the sincere and obedient people will rush towards you with eagerness and longing like the birds return to their nests.”

(Kamaaluddin, vol. 2, pg. 448)

Sincerity and Obedience

If we ponder on the statement of Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.), we will realize that during occultation, the Shias of Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.) will turn towards Imam (a.s.) with sincerity and obedience. The above statement was said by Imam Hasan Askari (a.s.) said this to his son, Imam Mahdi (a.s.), who in turn conveyed this to Ibrahim ibn Mahziyar that just as a bird yearns for its nest, with eagerness, anxiety and passion, the people of sincerity and obedience will long for you.

The veracious words of Imam Hasan Askari (a.s.) are such that if expanded, it’s light spreads far and wide and if made concise, they re-invigorate the person. Here, Imam (a.s.) is mentioning about the intensity of desire of the Shias of Ameerul Momineen (a.s.) to meet Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) and their lofty status. Our Imam (a.s.) is an affectionate father, he (a.s.) protects us, he (a.s.) watches over us, he (a.s.) provides us shelter under the shadow of his compassion. He is hidden from our eyes due to divine wisdom. If only our desire for Imam (a.s.) was akin to that of Ismail Harqali, we would not be deprived of meeting our Imam (a.t.f.s.) in his occultation. Our Imam (a.t.f.s.) is the master of the time and the Hujjat (proof) of Allah, the Almighty. Desire is a psychological aspect, and it arises only out of sincere love with the desired one. Therefore, if we have an intense desire to meet him, then we will certainly be blessed.

This article has been selected from the book “Paiwand-e-Ma’nawi Baa Saahat-e-Quds-e-Mahdavi (Takaaleef al-An’aam fee Ghaibat al-Imam)”. The author of this book is “Sadrul Islam Ali Akbar Hamadani”. His life spanned from 1270 A.H. to 1325 A.H. i.e. 1853 A.D. to 1907 A.D. He was born in Hamadan, Iran and expired there. After acquiring elementary education in his hometown, he went to the holy city of Najaf and studied for six years in the seminary under the tutelage of Mohaddis Noori (a.r.), Sayyed Mohammad Mujtahid Moosavi Najafi Hindi (a.r.), student of Shaikh Murtaza Ansari (a.r.), and Haaj Mirza Husain Raazi Tehrani (a.r.). Later, he returned to Iran with his mother and engaged himself in writing and teaching. After spending some years in Tehran and Hamadan, he again went to Najaf but, after two years, he returned to Hamadan and expired there. His works are many and some run into volumes. May Allah elevate his status.

The title of this article demands to pay attention towards our responsibilities during occultation and by fulfilling the same, we can establish a spiritual connection with our Imam (a.s.) and enlighten our soul and existence. This spiritual attachment is the cause of salvation and success in the world and the hereafter.

Responsibilities have been divided into three categories:

1) Responsibilities of special people.

2) Responsibilities of common people.

3) Responsibilities of narrators of traditions, rulers, judges and jurists.

(1) Responsibilities of special people

The responsibilities of special people refer to the responsibilities of the special companions and confidants of Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.). According to the traditions, Hazrat Khizr (a.s.), Hazrat Ilyas (a.s.), Hazrat Jibraeel (a.s.), Hazrat Israafil (a.s.), Hazrat Mikaaeel (a.s.), Hazrat Izraaeel (a.s.), the chief angels of the earth and the sky, the chief of the Muslims and believers among the Jinns, Abu Saaleh (one of the leaders of the Jinns who is responsible for guiding those lost in the desert), a Jinn named Hamza who gives salvation in the oceans, similarly Abdul Rahman, Abdul Qadir, Faqtash, Abu Farda, Mastoor, Riyah, Qais, and Abu Maalik. Jinns of rank lower than them are Mujtahid (extreme worshipers) such as Abul Abbas and Abdul Shahaab, etc. All of them are appointed for big tasks and they obey the order of Hazrat Wali-e-Asr (a.t.f.s.).

Similarly, “Nawwaab-e-Arbaa” (the four special deputies) and other deputies appointed in different countries during minor occultation, the souls of all of them are considered among the specials. 

In the same way, those who hold a great position such as Shaikh Mufeed (a.r.) and thirty people who always accompany Imam (a.s.) and no one recognizes them, and many other people, all of them have certain and specific responsibilities such as gathering and manifesting information which others need not be aware of. 

(The place of residence of Imam-e-Zamana (a.s.) was known to special and specific people in the minor occultation. However, in the major occultation, it is known only to those privileged with serving Imam (a.s.), but we do not know them. For traditions, refer Al-Kaafi, Kitaab al-Hujjah, Chapter of Occultation.)

(2) Responsibilities of common people 

Common people are classified into a few categories: Some people are always in presence of Imam (a.s.). Obviously, their responsibilities are different from the responsibilities of the hidden ones. These people are the servants and family members of Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.) who work for him and they watchfully wait for the orders of Imam (a.s.) every moment. They have specific responsibilities towards themselves and others. In the traditions, their names may have appeared as Abdaal, Awtaad, Rijaalul Ghaib, Nuqaba, and Nujaba. In the exegesis of traditions, they are mentioned as Abdaal, Awtaad, Suyyaah (worshipper and one who fasts), Ubbaad, Mukhliseen, Zuhhaad, Ahle Jaddo Ijtehad, etc.

(Paiwand-e-Ma’nawi Baa Saahat-e-Quds-e-Mahdavi, pg. 24)

Note: Our responsibilities are that of the common people, which will be mentioned later.

(3) Responsibilities of narrators of traditions, rulers, judges and jurists

“Ruwaat-e-Hadees” means narrators of traditions. As for the narrators of traditions, rulers, judges, and jurists, they all have different responsibilities in relation to each other. Some of them have reached the point that they recognize the Imam (a.s.) of the time and by always benefiting from his holy presence, directly get answers to their problems. With the permission and grace of Imam (a.s.), they are blessed to be in the presence of Imam (a.s.) at all times, either in dreams or while awake.

Another point worth noting is that some people can reach to Imam (a.s.) through the narrators of traditions, rulers, judges and jurists, while others can meet him (a.s.) secretly without any mediator. Others can never meet Imam (a.s.) either personally or apparently or secretly, but there is a possibility of meeting if we love Imam (a.s.) and accept his Wilayat. 

Note: The people who happened to be in the era of great occultation possessed different ranks with respect to the recognition of Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.). And all these and special people are mandated with certain obligatory and clear responsibilities which they should perform and never be heedless or negligent of them so that they always remained blessed under the grace and nobility of Imam (a.s.).

(Paiwand-e-Ma’nawi Baa Saahat-e-Quds-e-Mahdavi, pg. 25)

It should be specially kept in mind that, during major occultation, no one of any rank or position can ever claim his meeting with Imam (a.s.). In this era, meeting with Imam (a.s.) is based only due to the grace of Imam (a.s.) and anyone who claims on his own is an imposter. 

However, the revered author late Sadrul Islam Ali Akbar Hamadani (a.r.), in his book “Paiwand-e-Ma’nawi Baa Saahat-e-Quds-e-Mahdavi” has detailed out sixty responsibilities. It is not possible to describe all of them in this short article however, we will point out some important ones as follows: 

First responsibility – It is obligatory to believe in the existence of a divine proof in every era

Along with this responsibility, it is also obligatory to recognise and believe in the divine proof of this era i.e. Hazrat Imam Mahdi (a.s.) and also believe in the four special deputies[1] during minor occultation. In the light of the 30th verse of Surah Baqarah: “Surely, I will make a caliph on the earth”, from the creation of Hazrat Adam (a.s.) until the Day of Resurrection or until forty days remaining till the Day of Resurrection, Allah has appointed His caliph on the earth for the people and the earth, in any era, will never be devoid of a divine proof, whether apparent or occult, so that people do not have any excuse before Allah. (For details, refer book Al-Kaafi, Kitab al-Hujjah, Chapter of ‘The Earth will never be devoid of Divine Proof’, pg. 178)

If people of this era claim that there is no divine proof for us, it is a false statement. Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.), at the time of his departure from this world, instructed us to act in a particular way. Similarly, Ameerul Momineen Hazrat Ali (a.s.) and other Imams (a.s.) from his progeny have given similar instructions until the martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hasan Askari (a.s.), who gave specific instructions about the divine proof after him. He appointed his son Hazrat Hujjat ibnil Hasan al-Askari (a.s.) to the position of Imamat and Wilayat at a young age like Hazrat Isa (a.s.) and Hazrat Yahya (a.s.). 

From a reliable chain of narrators, Janab Mohammad ibn Usmaan Amravi (a.r.) narrates that: 

“One day, Imam Hasan ibn Ali (a.s.) introduced his son Mohammad Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) before us and showed us his holy being. We were forty people present in the holy house of Imam (a.s.). Imam Hasan Askari (a.s.) said that he is my son, your Imam and leader after me, and a caliph upon you on my behalf. Obey him and do not disperse after me and do not tread any other path or you will perish. And from today onwards, you will not see Mohammad Mahdi (a.t.f.s.).”

(Kamaaluddin, chp. 43, pg. 435, h. 2)

Therefore, the first responsibility is to believe in Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.) and his holy existence and in the special deputies appointed during minor occultation.

Second responsibility – Etiquettes before sleeping

One of the obligations is to perform certain actions before going to sleep that would please and satisfy Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.). Every moment, we should strive to gain spiritual ascension, as we say in Ziyaarat-e-Jaameah Kabeerah:

“…In every condition and affair of mine, I will prefer you over my needs and desires.”

It is clear from this sentence that, in every action, Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.) should be preferred over anything else.

Now, let us pay attention to the following sentences of Dua-e-Kumail, wherein how we wish for ourselves to be always remain occupied in the remembrance of Allah.

“O my Lord! I beseech You by Your Holiness and Your Right…fill up every moment of day and night with Your remembrance, bless me with your continuous service, make my deeds acceptable in Your service so that all my deeds be only for You and I always remain devoted in Your service.”

Awakening from heedlessness

How fortunate are those whose supplications are accepted, those who are constantly busy in remembrance of Allah, those who are fortunate of being in continuous service, and those who dedicate themselves to Him.

May Allah grant us such an opportunity and also the opportunity to establish a spiritual connection and attachment with Hazrat Imam Mahdi (a.s.). 

Nights are considered the best times for supplications. What should the one who awaits the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (a.s.) do while going to sleep at night so that he can meet his Imam (a.s.)? Imam Mohammad Baqir (a.s.) has described a very simple and easy method, thus:

“One who recites the ‘Musabbahaat’ of Holy Quran before going to sleep, will not die until he meets Hazrat Qaim (a.t.f.s.) and if he dies, he will be in the vicinity of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.).”

(Al-Kaafi, vol. 2, pg. 619, h. 3; Musabbahaat are seven surahs in Holy Quran: Surah Bani Israael, Surah Hadeed, Surah Hashr, Surah Saff, Surah Jumah, Surah Taghaabun and Surah Aala. All these Surahs start with the words “Sabbaha” or “Yusabbeh” or “Subhaan”)

Note: How fortunate indeed are those who practice this sincerely and are blessed with the meeting of Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.).

Third Responsibility – Etiquettes while awake

When we wake up from sleep, the first thing we should do, following the Sunnah of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.), is to thank Allah. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) says that when Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) woke up from sleep, he (s.a.w.a.) used to recite:

“All praise belongs to Allah, Who has given me life after causing me to die and before Him is the resurrection.”

(Al-Kaafi, vol. 2, pg. 538, h. 16)

Then remember Imam-e-Asr (a.t.f.s.) and say three times:

“Salutations of Allah be upon you, O Master of the time, and Mercy and Blessings of Allah be upon you. All praise is for Allah, the One Who enlivened me with your Wilayat and the Wilayat of your immaculate ancestors.”

Note: How fortunate are those people who wake up for Namaaz-e-Shab, recite the above and express their spiritual attachment with Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.) and all the fourteen infallibles by engaging themselves in various acts of worship.

In today’s dazzling world, only a handful of people fulfil these responsibilities and maintain a special connection and attachment with Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.). O Allah! grant us such a blessing and allow us to have a similar spiritual attachment with Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.).

[1] For details, refer to the book “Four Special Deputies” published by Association of Imam Mahdi (a.s.)

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