Islamic History at the Cross Roads

by almuntazar
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Justice is the soul of every society. Any society or community will remain firmly established only if its foundations are laid on justice and equity. If justice is decimated, the subsequent death of the society becomes inevitable. In other words, justice is rendered dead in only that society where the responsible persons of the community, who were required to be judicious and equitable, were in fact, themselves the perpetrators of injustice and tyranny. Thereby, blowing the sanctity of the society to smithereens.

In such a situation, injustice, tyranny, oppression and evils penetrate into the social affairs and matters. Under – “The men are as the religion of their
kings” – principle, the unjust ruler becomes the role model for the masses. As a result, the entire so­ciety is engulfed in the waves of tyrannical and evil forces. The respect for law and violation of the same become a source of weakness and pride respec­tively. The various compo­nents of the society which were cohesive so far become scattered. Selfish­ness and conceite come
rampant. The sin which originated from the centre mingles with the society in such a way that sermons, admonitions and preachings of noble thoughts are rendered ineffective. In such an atmosphere, any initiative towards the
reformation of the society, without its being different will not accomplish  the pur­pose.

 The most haughty, proud and conceited descendent of the Umayyad lineage, Yazid Ibne Muawiya. had already grabbed the throne of Caliphate. Now he wished to obtain the seal of approval from the grandson of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.), Imam Husain (a.s.). But Imam Husain (a.s.) being what he was, a prestigious and dignified figure in the society. was more than aware of his obligations and responsibilities towards the masses. He not only firmly refused to bow down to the whims of Yazid but also clearly declared his objective, which explains the aim of his revolution and causes of the events of Aashoora.  

Imam Husain (a.s.) while addressing the gov­ernor of Medina, Walid bin Utba, said: “O Walid, what are you trying to tell me? We are the descendants of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.). Our house was frequented by the angels. Allah, the Almighty, commenced the task of creation from us.  Healso concluded the office of Prophethood on us. You want me to swear allegiance to Yazid “Yazid is a slave of his carnal desires, intoxicated day and night. He is re­sponsible  for the blood­shed of innocent Muslims. The wretched man shame­lessly proclaims the perpe­tration of major sins. It is beyond a person like me to pay allegiance to a sinful and evil person like him. I am not going to join hands with him in the name of Caliphate.”

  Thus, while speaking to Walid, Imam Husain (a.s.), declared with finality that Yazid is not eligible for being a Caliph and exposed him in every manner. He also proved that a sinful and wretched person like Yazid cannot hold the reins of Islamic Caliphate because he himself is a corrupt person and can pollute the society with sins and evils.  

Yazid and his partisans, with all their tyranny and oppression, targeted justice and equity which are the foundations of any society. Was he not the same Yazid who during the reign of his father Muawiya, got infatuated with a beautiful woman known as Arneeb  Was not Arneeb a married woman Did righteousness and law allow him to abduct the woman and satisfy his animal
urges But he neither knew justice and righteousness nor he cared a bit about the Shariah. He, in conniv­ance with his father, made a move to get this beautiful woman divorced from her husband and bring her home. In fact, if only Imam Husain (a.s.) would not have intervened and foiled his heinous designs, then he would have surely succeeded in carrying them out.

  Was it proper to hand over the commands of Islamic community in the hands of such a wretched and wicked man It was not possible that Imam Husain (a.s.) would have legally accepted the rule of such a shame­less and disgraceful monster. If Yazid would not have been the caliph, then perhaps his sins would have been committed in an individual capacity and would have had a limited impact.  

But if the same man who was entrenched in sins and was ruling the capital of Islamic Caliphate, with freely flowing wine and womanizing, then such sins, committed by a Caliph, definitely would have an unlimited impact on the society.  

The deluge of such sins envelope the entire community and reach to every nook and corner of the kingdom. Consequently, the whole of Islamic nation will be corrupted with sins and misdeeds.

  Based on these facts, Imam Husain (a.s.) had turned down the proposition of Walid and re­minded him about the exalted status of Ahle Bait (a.s.). Imam Husain (a.s.) was enraged and he con­cluded the conversation. He left the court of Walid and prepared himself to proceed with his plans.

  The history of Islam reached at crossroads. Has it ever happened that one decision or incident had changed the destiny of a community and forced history to change its track The last three nights of Rajab in 60 A.M. were those which left the history on a crossroad. The destiny of Islam was supposed to be decided on that terrible night. Who else was at the helm of decision-making than Imam Husain (a.s.) him­self. Imam Husain (a.s.) in the capacity of an infallible leader, took the responsibility of direct­ing the future of Islam by his thoughts and wisdom.  

The night was shrouded in pitched darkness. Silence prevailed everywhere.  he city of Medina  was deep in slumber. Nobody knew that how restive was the soul of Imam Husain (a.s.). Inside the four walls of his house, faced with a crisis, Imam Husain (a.s.), was weathering a storm.  

One way led to greatness, nobility and salvation and the other path was of disgrace and protection of life for a few days. But Imam Husain (a.s.) was not indecisive, for he had already selected a path for himself. His enlightened thoughts and writings had awarded him martyrdom. It was the same martyrdom which was recorded with his blood in his destiny from the very beginning.  

On this fateful night, Imam Husain (a.s.) was engrossed in his thoughts as to how to begin his crusade against Yazid and implement his plans. He wanted to launch a tirade against this way­ward king of Umayyad dynasty and salvage Islam from his clutches.   Is it possible to destroy military might and seemingly invincible weaponry by sheer enthu­siasm and planning  Probably, it was this thought which kept him reflecting for long. Finally, he decided that any point proved on the dint of power will only have transient and temporary effect. But the impact of sacrifice and martyrdom will be everlasting.

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