The Satanic Invasion

by almuntazar
409 views 11 minutes read

On mere hearing this word, it seems that the battlefield is set. No sooner the war drums are beaten, soldiers from both sides charge each other. But one voice that first rises from the battlefield is ‘Attack’.

If we were to scroll and analyse the annals of history in the light of intellect and justice, we see that the series of Prophets and Successors that began with Hazrat Adam (a.s.) and continues till day, the two forces of falsehood and truth have not only been at loggerheads with each other but have also launched ferocious attacks on the opponent and are well equipped with resources to make a charge on the opponent. The effigy of Hazrat Adam (a.s.) was placed in front of the angels and a divine order was issued that, as soon as the soul is breathed into it, all should prostrate before him. All of them complied to this order except Iblees. On interrogating, he stood audaciously in front of his creator and claimed his superiority over Hazrat Adam (a.s.) saying: “You created me from fire and created Adam from clay”. When he was disgraced and expelled from the congregation of angels, he arrogantly vowed to deviate the progeny of Adam (implying that he will cause bloodshed and massacre among them).

The first assault of Iblees

The famous poet, Allamah Iqbal presented an outline of this context in a Persian poetry, in which God says:

(Translation: I created this world from one water and soil, you divided it into Iran, Tartar and Abyssinia; I created iron from dust, you made swords, arrows, and cannons therefrom. You made an axe out of it to cut trees and to make a cage for singing birds.)

The above thoughts of Allamah Iqbal are a glimpse of the satanic invasions that history informs us. Just as the truth continued to exhibit on this earth, a huge army continued to invade it. In the same congregation of angels, Allah, the Almighty had foretold that “You will never be able to mislead my righteous servants”. This incident was of initial days of the creation of mankind, but the journey of Iblees continued to cause unrest at every step.

History indicates that the first assault of Iblees was in the form of Qaabeel killing Haabeel, who then carried his body on his shoulder and wandered before burying it. 

The second assault

The second Adam, Hazrat Nuh (a.s.), continued to be pelted with stones. When the satanic invasion on his nation was gaining strength, a stormy deluge drowned them including his son. The satanic invasion that had held human intellect in its shackles, was broken and creatures of a new world breathed a sigh of relief.

The third assault

A catapult was prepared for Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s.) and the intensity of the fire lit by Namrood makes one shiver when one reads it in history. In this invasion, the flames of the fire transformed into a fragrant garden due to the righteousness of Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s.) and his fulfilment of the responsibilities of Prophethood.

The fourth assault

Was the series of satanic invasions ever going to stop? When Hazrat Hajra (s.a.) saw the mark of the rope on the neck of Hazrat Ismail (a.s.) and became familiar with what had transpired before, she was so moved by it and the shock proved to be fatal. 

The fifth assault

The invasion of the Shaitaan was spreading on the earth. The army of Firaun appeared like a disaster that would have swept away all the efforts of propagation by Hazrat Musa (a.s.) in just a moment. Allah, the Almighty is Omnipotent and dominates one and all. According to the words of Ameerul Momineen Hazrat Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s.): “O Allah! I implore you….with Your dominion that overwhelms everything”. Twelve paths were formed in the river Nile. When the army of Firaun entered it, all the paths were blocked, and the entire army was drowned. As a lesson, the body of Firaun was handed over to the waves of river Nile.

The sixth assault

Janab Maryam (s.a.) was accused and the followers of Iblees, thinking her to be helpless, asked her about the new-born child, she gestured that: “I am in the state of fasting. Ask this child”. The voice of Hazrat Isa (a.s.) emerged from the cradle:

“Indeed, I am the servant of Allah, He has given me the book and made me a Prophet.”

(Surah Maryam (19), verse 30)

At this, Iblees and his followers trembled. 

The seventh assault

Were the brothers of Hazrat Yusuf (a.s.) content to throw him into the well, the depth of which could not be gauged? It was Hazrat Yusuf (a.s.) who fulfilled the needs of his brothers. The entire incident is known to everyone treading the right path.


We mentioned a few invasions of Iblees during the life spans of the Prophets (a.s.) because such attacks will continue and keep on increasing in every era. But its rise and fall is also in view, because the following questions arises in the minds of the righteous ones:

(1) How long will this stormy series of invasions continue to gain strength with every passing day, from every nook and corner of the world?

(2) Has Allah, the Almighty provided the means and resources of salvation or will they always be subdued under oppression and tyranny. 

Before we revisit the history, let us see what Imam Reza (a.s.) said, in the above context, when he was requested to say a few words of guidance. He (a.s.) said:

“The statement ‘There is no god except Allah’ is a fort. One who enters it, will be safe. But there are certain conditions to enter it and I am one of them.” It means that Imamat is one of the conditions.

This is self-evident, but belief confirms that the knowledge of Imamat is eternal. We see, in this sentence, a glimpse of the divine knowledge of Imam (a.s.) that no matter how fierce the invasions of Iblees be, he will never have the wherewithal to stand before the truth.

And in the above-mentioned statement, it is established under the foundation of prophethood that when evil reached its peak, how Allah, the Almighty, not only repelled it but also trampled it.


These satanic invasions were not to recede, especially when Allah, the Almighty had given a respite for a specified period. In other words, such invasions of Iblees will continue with all the heinous plans for bloodshed and will ultimately reach its end at a specific time. Meanwhile, the journey of satanic invasions progressed and intensified with every passing era but Allah, the Almighty, as a means of guidance and security, had foretold that “You will never be able to mislead my righteous servants”.

Allah, the Almighty, says in the Holy Quran:

“Certainly, We sent Our Messengers with clear arguments, and sent down with them the Book and the Scale, so that people may conduct themselves with equity.” 

(Surah Hadid (57), verse 25)

No matter how fierce the satanic invasions, believers will always find refuge in this fort. The hazards of this transient life will cease by themselves, and the certainty of the eternal life of the hereafter will be evident to them.

Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.), after fulfilling the duty of propagation, said that the twelve successors, after him, will be the refuge and protection for believers, the oppressed and the righteous. 

The history of Islam encountered various storms that appeared in the garb of new conspiracies, hitherto unknown faces and forms and made unsuccessful attempts to deface it through fabricated and forged traditions but the truthful statement of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) continued to emerge. Yazid (l.a.) had falsified the divine message saying that no messenger had ever arrived nor had any revelation descended. The sermon of Hazrat Zainab (s.a.) in the court of Yazid (l.s.) echoed in such a way that everyone was reminded of the eloquence of Ameerul Momineen Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s.). This sermon was such a befitting reply to the blasphemy of Yazid (l.a.) that not only he, but his adherents too were left baffled. The Syrian court of Yazid (l.a.) was one of the biggest satanic invasions in history that was crushed to dust under the divine power of Imamat. Thus, it is worth pondering as to why such divine souls are a pre-condition to enter the divine fort.

Imam Husain (a.s.) gave a respite on the night of Ashura, one of the purposes of which the scholars mention that in case if any righteous person was left in the army of Yazid (l.a.), he may join the truth. As a result, apart from Janab Hurr (a.s.), certain other pure souls also joined Imam Husain (a.s.). 

The sad plight of the world is in front of us and all the factors pointing towards the end of the era of respite i.e. destruction, bloodshed, poverty, inhumanity, cruelty, brutality, confronting of nations with each other, etc., are apparent and moving towards their doom. As against that, the way of life taught by the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) is also alive and blooming as if the superiority of humanity and mankind and the promise of the hereafter can be heard everywhere that: “O servants of Allah! Adherence to the book and the scale will ensure your security in the fort of ‘There is no God except Allah”. The book of Allah reminds us, thus: “The remnant of Allah is better for you if you are believers.”

In the temporary life of this world, where an overwhelming majority has invaded the righteous ones from all sides, the last proof of Allah is not oblivious of this and is firm in protecting our life in the hereafter. We recite Surah al-Hamd in every prayer, but do not ponder as to who are those holy personalities upon whom Allah has bestowed His bounties (An’amta Alaihim) and kept them away from divine wrath (Ghairil Maghzoob) and from being astray (Wa Laz Zaalleen). All believe in Imam Mahdi (a.s.), but its acceptance and denial, both are going hand in hand. The famous poet Allamah Iqbal, says:

Sajdah Khaaliq ko Bhi, Iblees se Yaaraana Bhi

Hashr mein kis se Aqeedat ka Sila Maangegaa 

(Translation: You prostrate before God and befriend Iblees too; From whom will you ask your reward of devotion, in the hereafter)

We all believe that our Imams (a.s.), in every era, do not let our faith lose its glow. Our scholars and God-fearing righteous pure souls have had the honour of meeting Hazrat (a.t.f.s.) in every era. There is a long list of people who received letters (Tauqee’aat) from Imam (a.s.) and had the privilege of meeting him personally.

How should one prostrate in gratitude to Allah, the Almighty for whom it is said in Dua-e-Mashlool:

“O the Affectionate, O the Kind! liberate me from the gripping clutches.”

Our Lord, our Creator, Allah, the Almighty has established a refuge for us in this world, the glad tiding of which was given by Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) in a tradition, thus: “When the world will be replete with oppression and injustice, my last successor will reappear and fill this world with justice and equity just as it would have been filled with oppression and tyranny.” He is the Mahdi of the last era. He is present but in occultation. On his reappearance, the veil of occultation will be removed from his holy visage, effulgence will spread far and wide and mercy will be showered. The misguided opponents will be entitled to divine curse and punishment. We read in Dua-e-Ahad:

“O Allah show us the shining visage (of Imam Mahdi (a.s.))”

Invasions will be drowned in the storm of Hazrat Nuh (a.s.), the fire of Namrood will be extinguished, the rocks of the earth will be bound by the poisonous gusts of the winds in such a way that hell will cry out: “These are our morsels to punish”.Dear Readers! In this article, we have attempted to caution every believer to carefully tread the journey of his life because the satanic invasions, with all its machinations, is spreading far and wide. The world is vulnerable to nuclear installations, political leaders are blood thirsty of the poor and humanity is in its final moments. However, Allah is Omnipotent and the Creator of the universe. He has established such a fortress on the earth, the key to the door of which is in the hands of the Qaim of Aal-e-Mohammad (a.s.). The nation, that follows the guidance of our master Wali-e-Asr (a.s.) and the instructions of our pious scholars, will remain safe till the reappearance of Imam (a.s.). He (a.s.) is our guardian, the door towards Allah, a guiding torch for the perturbed, hence every Shia should always be on guard from external and internal invasions so as to protect himself and lead a bright and peaceful life in the hereafter. 

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